Libra Daily Horoscope


18 May 2024 - Libra : 

Libra Characteristics

Libra is the seventh sign in the natural zodiac, ruled by Venus, which is the second sign for this planet. The symbol of this sign is a scale. It is termed a human biped sign. It is a movable, male sign. Libra is the second airy sign among the three; this makes the Librans artistic and fertile imagination. Predominantly ruled by the diplomat planet Venus, make them level-headed, weigh merits and demerits. Mostly both men and women would possess are tall and slender.

Women in this sign have attractive smiles and attractive eyebrows. This sign is termed as a sign of business, making the Libran business-minded. They are diplomatic, brilliant, and correct intuition. They do not like to get into heated arguments and prefer compromises. They are easy-going and think twice about hurting others. Forgive and forget is their motto. The darker side of Libra is unassuming nature.

Their emotional and showing nature is a big threat, as people may take advantage of it. Their lavish spending habit and pomp is their downfall. They always see a business opportunity in everything; this could spoil the relationship with their people. They are prone to difficult problems in the lower part of the body, indigestion, and mental disorder. 

Highly Compatible Zodiac

  • Aries
  • Sagittarius


Cooperative, Diplomatic, Gracious, Fair-Minded


Indecisive, Avoids Confrontations, Self-pity

Favorable Colors and Numbers

  • Pink, Green
  • 4, 6, 13, 15, 24