Sun Mahadasha

Planet Sun in Vedic astrology signifies power, position, and authority; He powers and also empowers. Astronomically, Sun plays a great role in the survival of life on earth. Sun Mahadasha lasts for 6 years; it is a beneficial period to attain powerful, authoritative positions in society. Natives enjoy a thriving social life and a moderate personal life. Sun Mahadasha enhances the spiritual consciousness of an individual and often leads to the path of seeking.  

Sun is friendly with Moon, Mars, and Jupiter; Neutral to Mercury, Inimical to Venus and Saturn.  

Sun Mahadasha can have the following effects, 

  • Native shows a great zeal towards Self-empowerment, strengthening of Soul, and Self-realization.  
  • Achieves wealth, respect, and honor in the community and government.  
  • Great attitude, mentality, and happiness. 
  • Higher ambitions and great goal-setting abilities. 
  • Increased sense of seeking and soul search results in Detachment from parents and relations. 
  • Father and paternal relations might be strained, and chances of death and disputes on the paternal side. 
  • On the health front, disorders relating to teeth, eyes, and abdomen might result. 
  • All activities and businesses based on Sun-like Agriculture, Solar power will be highly favorable. 
  • The native might be overpowered or dominated by the spouse. 
  • Native’s life partner, children, and assets/vehicles could be affected. 

Sun Mahadasha Sun Antardasha

Sun Bhukthi in Sun Mahadasha is powerful, and the effects get multiplied in this phase.  

  • Native displays royal character/behavior.  
  • Attains authoritative roles, Government jobs, and job promotions.  
  • Makes friends with higher officials and new political contacts. 
  • Chances of winning legal disputes and resulting in new wealth accumulation  
  • Tends to overthink, gets impatient due to too many things on their mind.  
  • International vacations are a possibility.  

Sun Mahadasha Moon Antardasha 

Overall a moderately positive period since Moon is a friendly planet to Sun. Here are some common effects, 

  • Independent, self-reliant, successful, and popular 
  • Happiness through father and children 
  • Acquires land and other assets.  
  • Danger from water, mental stress, and asthmatic troubles could be faced.  
  • Family disputes, loss of employees in business might result. 
  • Inner peace remains a challenge all through.   

Sun Mahadasha Mars Antardasha 

This period will be a power-packed phase with affluence and efficiency.  

  • Great win over all the enemies and potential threats. 
  • Wealth Increase through gold jewelry and precious stones.  
  • Purchase of lands or a house is favorable. 
  • Siblings, especially Brothers, will be very helpful. Otherwise, they might face challenges with the rest of the family members.  
  • Stomach ailments like gastritis and mental stress can occur.  

Sun Mahadasha Rahu Antardasha 

Rahu is a malefic planet, and this association brings negative impacts to one’s life. 

  • Financial loss through theft, other scams can be faced 
  • Loss of job, job levels being downgraded can occur in this phase. 
  • Defamation cases and loss of dignity. 
  • Adverse effects like imprisonment, destruction of houses and other assets can result in this period. 
  • The situation might get better over time, if the native remains unattached to the adverse effects and aligns with divine grace.   

Sun Mahadasha Jupiter Antardasha

Sun and Jupiter together exert great wisdom and intellect on the native. The effects of this period are, 

  • Native can be a reputed scholar, great teacher with fame and recognition 
  • Paternal relationships flourish 
  • Attains high knowledge and great records in the field of education 
  • Makes wonderful friends and finds great spiritual gurus. 
  • Auspicious events like marriage, childbirth (especially son), achieving of high-level goals are seen.  
  • On the negative side, hypocrisy poses challenges to get along with other scholars and Gurus.   

Sun Mahadasha Saturn Antardasha 

Saturn is considered Malefic and also is inimical to Sun. This phase strikes as a perfect blend of yin-yang, equal magnitude of benefic and malefic, 

  • Some happy events like weddings, new properties, conquering enemies are a possibility.  
  • Native might show unsympathetic, hostile behaviour due to stress. This can disrupt friendships.   
  • Family disharmony, stress and challenges related to job might pop up. 
  • Health disorders related to bone-like rheumatoid arthritis can happen in this period.   

Sun Mahadasha Mercury Antardasha 

Sun is neutral to Mercury and this combination exerts the following effects on a native, 

  • Acquisition of properties, new office space and jewellery 
  • Weddings, new relationships, childbirth are seen in this phase 
  • Emotionally strong and full of energy 
  • Health issues like skin diseases, mild psychological disorders  
  • This DasaBhukti begins with not so great events and turns better in the middle, can result in relocation towards the end.  

Sun Mahadasha Ketu Antardasha

Ketu is malefic and doesn’t yield great results with Sun. Some happy moments are assured in the beginning of the Bhukthi, followed by agony and sadness at the end. 

  • Native might go through Detachment from family and friends 
  • There can be voluntary retirements, resignations from profession.  
  • Eye diseases, mental stress and anxiety  
  • Legal disputes with business partners, family  
  • Loss of friends, demise of father 
  • Spiritual inclusiveness can yield beneficial effects 

Sun Mahadasha Venus Antardasha

Sun is inimical to Venus; This DasaBhukti phase starts with moderate effects; reaps good benefits in the middle and ends with malefic effects towards the end 

  • Musically inclined, artistic and popular  
  • Auspicious events like marriage, new wealth acquisition occurs. 
  • Common health challenges like body ache, fever  
  • Business and professions related to sea and products from the ocean will be massively successful  
  • Native might become a spendthrift.  
  • Higher chances of relocation and travel to foreign places.  

Other Mahadasha's