Sun in Leo

Sun in Leo

Sun in Leo, Heroic and Mindful! Sun in Leo sign is an auspicious and comfortable placement for Sun. Royal planet Sun is placed in its own, self-centered, loyal fiery sign Leo. Sun when placed in its own sign derives strength and naturally doubles up on significant traits related to itself like soul, physical constitution, vitality, relationship with father and authority. According to Saravali, Sun in Leo natives are fond of expeditions, love wilderness, and environment enthusiasts. These natives are driven by competitiveness, courage, and adventure. These individuals share a great bond of love and care with their father and leaders at work. They successfully manage to bring their positivity and diligence in every aspect of their life. They will be invincible in achieving their goals and earning great reputation in the public. If the ascendant is also connected to Leo, these natives make excellent lightworkers and will be of great spiritual service. It also blesses generosity and politeness.

These natives are inclined towards heroic act and noble acts. They are capable to leading revolutionary activities and always stand by the righteousness. They do not tolerate unjust acts. They tend to earn loads of wealth and fame in life. Sun also ensures great wealth aspects and prosperous future. They outperform everyone in areas relating to government or administration. Since Sun is the natural ruler of self or self- identities, when placed in its own sign it inflates the self-awareness and inherent urge for spotlight.

Native is fueled by competitive nature and always emerges a winner in all competition. This makes them instantly give into anger, selfish and egoistic at times. These natives are also very talkative and blows their own trumpet due to excessive pride imparted by exalted Sun. These individuals are the worst enemies one can have; they do not stop until the opposition is destroyed. They like to be perceived only as “good person” and try too hard for this. When the image or status gets affected, they go to any lengths to reinstate their good person image. Overall, this is a positive placement for Sun and bestows king like stature on its natives.