Birth Chart

A birth chart is also known as a Horoscope. Horo is a Greek word, that means time or observer.

It is a celestial map that indicates the movement of planets, and we can also call it a cosmic clock. The picture of the astronomical clock is drawn as a horoscope or birth chart, based on the location of a person.

A birth chart or D1 chart or Rasi chart shows the planetary positions at the moment of a person's birth. The placement or the position of the planets will not change in the birth chart.

Let assume it like if you take a picture of yourself, it will remain the same until it lasts, the same way the position of planets is photographed during your birth based on the location, date, and time. It will not change. It is the snapshot of your destiny.

The birth chart plays a very predominant role in interpreting results. With the help of placement of the planets, past-present and future are explained.

The planets are uniquely arranged in the Birth chart, which compromises 12 zodiac signs, which is 30 degrees each. These 12 sign indicates the 12 areas of life, personality, strength, weakness, luck, and fortune, family, relationship, career, health, longevity, etc.

The birth chart reveals a holistic view of a person's Karma or baggage that he or she carries from past lives.

This chart is called by many names, zodiac chart, natal chart, star-chart, astrology chart, etc. In India, a Birth chart is called kundalini, Janma kundalini. During ancient days, Horoscopes were calculated manually by proficient astrologers.

A horoscope will be cast only after the completion of the 3rd year of the child. In modern times we have much good software that casts the Horoscope of the chart within no time. Birth chart or Kundali is drawn in different forms in different parts of India.

Given below Birth Chart for the following input:

  • Date Tuesday, October 22, 2024
  • Time 09:57:16 AM
  • Columbus, Ohio, United States of America
  • Nakshatra Ardra 3 Pada  
  • Moon Sign Gemini
  • Sun Sign Libra
  • Ascendant Libra

Click here to view all divisional charts.

The table below shows the birth chart planetary position at the date, time, and place of birth as entered in the input form.


(Full Degrees)



Sign Lord



185° 27'

05° 27'





74° 20'

14° 20'





199° 27'

19° 27'





221° 33'

11° 33'





90° 57'

00° 57'





56° 50'

26° 50'





318° 59'

18° 59'





209° 30'

29° 30'





341° 01'

11° 01'



Uttara Bhadrapada


161° 01'

11° 01'




Birth Chart Calculator

Enter your Date of Birth, Your exact time of birth, and place of birth to generate your birth chart. Next, find the position of all the planets at the time of your birth.

Using this Birth Chart Calculator, you can generate birth charts in North Indian style, East Indian style, and South Indian styles based on Vedic Astrology.

Choose a Date to Find Rasi / Birth Chart

Birth Chart Calculation

The birth chart has 12 houses, each assigned to a zodiac sign. Each house is in the 30° range, covering 360° - a complete circle. 30 degrees is divided into 5 states that define the nature or effect of the planet within each house,
For Odd houses/signs – Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagi, and Aquarius –the avasthas are,

0-6 degrees-Bala Avastha : Infancy state, planet gives minimal results.

6-12 degrees - kumara avastha: Adolescence state, planet imparts half of its full potential.

12-18 degrees- yuva avastha : Adult state, bestows full-on effect in native’s life.

18-24 degrees- vriddha avastha: mature state, imparts moderate effects.

24-30 degrees - mrit avastha : Old aged state, gives minimal effects.

The order of the avasthas are reversed for Even houses/signs – Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn & Pisces.

The important thing to note is that the planets in the border degrees, i.e., 29, 0 and 1 degrees become very strong irrespective of their avastha in the house.
When beneficial planets are placed in good avastha, they bestow best benefits on the native and vice versa when malefic planets are placed.

To calculate the degree in each house, deduct the closest multiple of 30s from the degree in which the planet was placed at the time of birth. Example- If Sun is placed at 156° 58' = 156-(30*5)= 6° 58' it falls in Kumara Avastha.

Here is a table on houses, degree range and the corresponding zodiac,

Sign                  -         Degree

Aries                 -         00° 00' - 30°:00'

Taurus              -         30° 00' - 60°:00'

Gemini             -        60° 00' - 90°:00'

Cancer             -        90° 00' - 120°:00'

Leo                   -        120° 00' - 150°:00'

Virgo                -        150° 00' - 180°:00'

Sign               -         Degree

Libra              -        180° 00' - 210°:00'

Scorpio          -       210° 00' - 240°:00'

Sagittarius      -      240° 00' - 270°:00'

Capricorn       -      270° 00' - 300°:00'

Aquarius         -      300° 00' - 330°:00'

Pisces              -     330° 00' - 360°:00'

Purpose of the Birth Chart

Hindu way of life is based on the theory of Karma. Karma is divided into three main categories. They are past. Present and future Karma. The Vedas insist on 4 Arthas or goals in life which are considered important for a human to adhere to. Deviating from the code of Veda makes one being to accumulate Karma.

Accordingly, the planets align in the birth chart to give the result of their action. The birth chart helps to read the past, present, and future of a person.

The birth chart is the blueprint of our Karma from the past, what we are going to do in the present life, and save for the future. The birth chart along with the alignment of planets indicates the Karmic connection in all our areas of life.

The first house talks about the self, the second signifies the finance and family, the third house signifies siblings and skills, the fourth house indicates about mother and comfort, the fifth house indicates about progeny and past life karma, the 6th house indicates the debts and disease, the seventh house indicates about the relationship and happiness from marriage, the 8th house indicates about the longevity and changes, the 9th house indicates father and fortune, the 10th house indicates profession and progress, the 11th house indicates gains and desires and the 12th house indicates expenses and enlightenment.

Common Inferences on D1 or Birth Chart

D1 or a birth chart is read in the anti-clockwise direction, beginning from lagna or ascendant. 

Trikona or Trine Houses: The first, fifth and ninth houses are powerful and denote auspicious things in life. 

Kendra or Quadrants: First, fourth, seventh and tenth houses from the quadrants in the birth chart. They have fortune bearing prospects. 

Third and the eleventh house denote personal growth. 

The sixth, eighth and twelfth houses are called dusthanas, denote misfortune and hardships that one will go through in life. 

Yogas like Raja yoga, Gajkesari yogas can be identified by analysing these Kendra and Trikona houses. 

A native has Dhan Yoga, if Ascendant lord is well placed and also aspected, preferably in one of the kendra (1st, 4th, 7th or 10th house) or trikona (1st, 5th or 9th house).  

When beneficial planets like Jupiter, Venus, Mercury or Moon are well placed in the birth chart. This will strengthen the planet's nature and also form wealth yogas. 

One's intellect, fortune, self-realisation is highly reliant on the Trikona and Kendra lords. 

Each house in the Birth chart is assigned to a moonsign and a planetary lord,

Lord of the House  -         House & Sign

Mars        -         1- Aries

Venus      -         2- Taurus

Mercury   -          3- Gemini

Moon       -          4- Cancer

Sun           -          5- Leo

Mercury   -          6- Virgo

Venus      -         7- Libra

Mars        -          8- Scorpio

Jupiter      -          9- Sagittarius

Saturn     -         10- Capricorn

Saturn      -         11- Aquarius

Jupiter      -         12- Pisces

To understand native's "Spiritual development," we have to see the ascendant, 9th and 12th lords, aspects and nakshatra lords. 

the three most important planets that support spiritual development are Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu, along with Rahu. Planet Rahu holds great significance in the realisation of the higher soul. 

For life span/longevity, the strength of the ascendant and its lord in addition to the 8th house and its lord are analysed.  

The first house denotes self, head, skin, skull, brain and general health, immunity, overall wellbeing and success.  

The second house primarily denotes wealth, material possessions like jewellery, clothes, physical body parts like tongue, eyes. 

The third house denotes siblings, courage and communication skills, physical parts like hands, ears. 

The fourth house denotes mother, homeland, physical body parts like heart, chest area, upper spine and Primary education of the native. 

The fifth house indicates creative energy, progeny, wealth, physical body like lower abdomen, kidneys and spleen. The sixth house has information about enemies, legal challenges, physical body parts like bladder, genital parts and pregnancy. 

The seventh house denotes relationships, our perception, ability to connect to people, sexual habits, marital life 

The eighth house gives details about accidents, transformation, life lessons and core emotional needs or desires. 

Ninth house denotes Guru, mentor and Father figures in life, and Long distance travels, cultural values, good from a previous life 

The tenth house stands for career, status, social recognition, pride and karma. Physical body parts that are managed by this house are knees, legs. 

The eleventh house shows gains, rewards through work, business, desire and ambitions; body parts like ankles, feet.  

The twelfth house has information about losses, hospitalisation, imprisonment, hidden strength and weakness, moksha & Psychic abilities.  

Aspects- planets in their current sign/house will have an influence on other houses as well. This influence is called Aspect.

Here is a list of houses aspected by various planets,  

Planet     -   Aspect- place(s) from itself

Sun         -  7th (opposite) 

Moon      -  7th (opposite)

Venus     -  7th (opposite)

Mercury  -  7th (opposite)

Jupiter    -  5th, 7th (opposite), and 9th

Rahu      -   5th, 7th (opposite), and 9th 

Saturn    - 3rd, 7th (opposite), and 10th 

Mars      -    4th, 7th (opposite), and 8th

Ketu       -    4th, 7th (opposite), and 8th

For example, if the native has the aspect of Planet Saturn on the 7th house, then the native's marriage will be delayed. However, the characteristics of their life partner will still be determined by the Lord of the 7th house.  

Conjunction: If there are two or more planets placed in the same house and in the same nakshatra, then they are in conjunction.  

For instance, Saturn & Venus conjunction results in late marriage, 

Sun and Rahu conjunction means too much self-pride or ego,  

Sun-Mercury conjunction means tendencies of overthinking and the ability to deep dive. 

The planet holding the highest degree in the birth chart is called the Atmakarak, and the lowest degree is called the Darakarak. When the atmakarak is a beneficial planet, and Darakarak is a malefic planet, the native enjoys the best results from the beneficial and lest ill effects from the malefic one. The result is reversed when the nature of the planet is reversed.

16 Vargas / Divisional Charts

The below table gives significations about the Divisional Charts



Area of Influence


Body, Physical Matters and all General Matters


Wealth, Family


Siblings, Nature


Fortune and Property




Spouse, Dharma and Relationships


Actions in Society, Profession


Parents (Paternal and Maternal Legacies)


Vehicles, Travelling and Comforts


Spiritual Pursuits


Education, Learning and Knowledge (Academic Achievements)


Strengths and Weakness




For auspicious and inauspicious effects in horoscope


For all general indications (character and conduct of the native)


For all general indications (Past birth or Karma of the native)